Week 1: Day 4

Today has been a peaceful lazy Saturday.  I already have twice as much energy as I did before I started working out again.  It's nice that even though it takes a long time to lose this much weight, you get little benefits early on.

Today I had 3000 calories because R and I ended up going out at the last minute.  I drank six beers, and that ruined my calorie count for the day.  However, I didn't eat anything at the bar, even though the people we were there with did.  So there's some willpower.  I still burned more calories than I ate today, by maybe a hundred calories or so.  

I did the pilates dvd again today.  Skipped the gym.  I will make it back there tomorrow. Promise. 


MargieAnne said...

Congratulations on deciding to live a healthier lifestyle and welcome to HYC where there are so many inspirational and encouraging people.

Drop150 said...

Thanks for the support. It already means so much!

Drop150 said...
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